Golf Setúbal
Kids Activity Guide » Children Golf venues Near Sesimbra » Golf Setúbal
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- Packages start from €50.00
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From €50.00
Observação de Golfinhos
Observar golfinhos no seu habitat natural é uma experiência inesquecível e perfeita para todas as idades.
Somos muitas vezes brindados com as suas acrobacias, brincadeiras e saltos que nos fazem vibrar. Navegando nas águas tranquilas e cristalinas do Parque Natural da Arrábida e cumprindo normas de conduta por forma a não os perturbar, vamos poder estar bem perto de Golfinhos Comuns, Roazes Corvineiros, entre outros, bem como muitas espécies de aves e ocasionalmente baleias, peixes-lua e outras espécies.
Deixe-se arrebatar pelas incríveis paisagens do Parque Marinho professor Luiz Saldanha, na Arrábida, as suas grutas, praias selvagens e escarpas grandiosas, enseadas onde poderá eventualmente dar um mergulho ou apenas ficar a bordo e deliciar-se com o melhor das nossas tradições regionais.
Inclui: Barco, Colete salvavidas, Skipper, Seguro, Moscatel e Doce Regional (degustação).
The sighting of dolphins in their natural habitat is an unforgettable experience, suitable for all ages.
We are often greeted with their thrilling stunts, games and jumps.
Navigating the calm crystal-clear waters of the professor Luiz Saldanha Arrábida Natural Park, in strict compliance with the Code of Conduct for Dolphin Watching in order not to disturb them, you will be able to see Bottlenose and Common Dolphins up close, among others, as well as many different birds and the occasional whale, sun-fish and other species.
Be overwhelmed by the incredible landscapes of the professor Luiz Saldanha Arrábida Marine Park, its caves, wild beaches and magnificent cliffs, coves where you may eventually swim or simply remain aboard for a tasting of local traditional delicacies.
Includes: Boat, Life jacket, Skipper, Insurance, Moscatel and Regional Pastry (tasty)
L'observation des dauphins dans leur habitat naturel est une expérience inoubliable et parfaite pour tous les âges .
Nous sommes souvent surpris par leurs acrobaties, jeux et sauts qui nous font vibrer.
En naviguant dans les eaux calmes et cristallines du parc naturel d'Arrábida et en respectant les règles de conduite afin de ne pas les déranger, nous pourrons être très proches des Grands Dauphins, des Dauphins Communs, entre autres, ainsi que de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux et parfois de baleines, de poissons-lunes et d'autres espèces.
Laissez-vous enchanter par les incroyables paysages du Parc Marin Prof. Luiz Saldanha, dans l'Arrábida, ses grottes, plages sauvages et grandioses falaises, criques où vous pourrez éventuellement vous baigner ou simplement rester à bord et déguster le meilleur de nos traditions régionales.
Inclus: bateau avec capitaine, gilet de sauvetage, assurance, moscatel et pâtisserie locale.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 36
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directions Location
- Loja 6
- 2970-152
- Sesimbra
- Setúbal
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
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- Activity Centres
- Scuba Diving
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- Rock Climbing
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- Trail Trekking
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- Bike Tours
- Boat Day Trips
- Overnight Experiences
- Snorkelling
Venue Ref: 1014552-55