Walking Tours Cygnet River
Kids Activity Guide » Children Walking Tours venues Near Cygnet River South Australia » Walking Tours Cygnet River
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- Packages start from AU$5995.00
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From AU$5,995.00
Walk Kangaroo Island
It’s amazing what you see when you slow down to a natural pace – the tiny details, the big sky. Your senses all come into play – the sounds, the heady smell of the sandhill daisy as you brush past, the feel of dry leaves crunching beneath your feet, or sand shifting on an impossibly white beach. Things we took for granted as children we can now seek out to make us more grounded, relaxed and reconnected.
We want to connect with the landscape, our wildlife, our produce and our community. To discover the sense of place that makes our Island home a particular destination. This is what we seek when we Walk Kangaroo Island. We are not walking a linear track; instead, we have curated a selection of walks through conservation reserves, national parks, along cliff-tops and through private property.
This fully hosted trip uses a comfortable 4WD to link up the best walks. It leverages the experience and relationships built up by your hosts, Craig and Janet Wickham, with over 30 years in experiential travel. We introduce you to producers, artists, ecologists and business people who are Kangaroo Island stalwarts.
Come and share our open spaces, fresh air, fresh produce & solitude, and learn why we choose to make Kangaroo Island our home.
Please note: Minimum 4 guests for departure to go ahead. More frequent departures may be added based on demand and availability. Departures from June 2022 onwards will be added soon.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
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directions Location
- 5223
- Cygnet River
- Kangaroo Island
- South Australia
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
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Venue Ref: 1015006-254