Museum Granada
Kids Activity Guide » Children Museum venues Near Granada Granada » Museum Granada
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- Packages start from €155.00
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From €155.00
Private Tour The Origins of Flamenco at the Alhambra. Tour in English
Lorca and Falla were very different: frugality versus waste, revelry contrasted with mysticism. Despite this, they were great friends. One of their passions was flamenco. Together, they organised the Cante Jondo Competition in 1922, where they both went in search of the roots of Spanish music and which was attended by famous personalities at that time.
We will stroll through the Alhambra Forest, passing by the Alhambra Palace, then visiting the small Mozarabic theater hidden inside. After that, we will visit the Manuel de Falla House-Museum, a beautiful but modest home that remains nearly intact today. It still houses the piano and many other items from Falla’s daily life. This was a very beloved, emotionally charged house to Lorca because, besides being a traditional Granada “carmen” where all romantics dreamed of living, it was imbued with Falla’s personality and the memorable times from their friendship.
We then move on to visit the Legacy Museum of Ángel Barrios, where we will get a closer look at the most important site linked to flamenco in the Alhambra, until reaching the esplanade of Charles V’s Palace, from which we can view the Albaicín and Sacromonte neighborhoods. In this wonderful place, you will find the site of Lorca’s inspiration to create his famous work “El Romancero gitano” (or “Gypsy Ballads”).
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
From €275.00
Half-day Trip to Valderrubio: Federico Garcia Lorca’s youth. Tour in English
We invite you to discover Lorca’s roots in the town of Valderrubio , amid the beautiful landscapes of the Vega Granadina, with a journey through his adolescence and youth, at the same time discovering the rural Spain of a century ago, and the customs and experiences that shaped Lorca’s personality.
Discover the deep Vega plains that marked the poet’s life forever, visiting the places that inspired him to write the most important, best-known rural dramatic plays in contemporary culture.
In addition to other places, you will get to visit the house (now a museum) where he spent his teen years and youth, and the site that inspired the play The House of Bernarda Alba , as well as walking through the favorite spots where young Federico spent the most tender moments of his youth.
Our guides, professionals with a passion for Lorca as a figure and the history and city he lived in, will help you follow in his footsteps through the different corners of the Vega region, which set the stage for his journey through this world.
The tour ends at Mariana Pineda Park in the town of Valderrubio, where we will then be taken back to the city center of Granada.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
From €275.00
Half-day Trip to Fuente Vaqueros: Federico García Lorca, the early life of a genius. Tour in English
We invite you to visit Lorca’s first home in the town of Fuente Vaqueros , and the lovely sites in the Vega Granadina, a journey through the rural Andalusia of the past century, seeing the changes experienced in the village after the Spanish Civil War and the recovery of historical memory.
Discover what the family home was like, along with the streets and corners which formed part of Lorca’s early childhood, getting a close look at the places that now honor his figure and were once part of the poet’s daily existence, delving further into several stages of his life in which the concepts of ‘‘the people,’, commitment to society and native culture were most influential on him.
Among other places, you will visit the house/museum where he was born, the center of studies on Lorca that once housed the town’s school and walk around some of the places that Lorca mentions in his best-known works.
Our guides, professionals who are passionate about Lorca as a figure and the history and city in which he lived, will help you follow in his footsteps around the different parts of the plains that marked the poet’s lifetime.
The tour ends in Fuentevaqueros, where we will then be taken back to the city center of Granada.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
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Venue Ref: 1016656-129