Walking Tours Sydney
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- Packages start from AU$120.00
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From AU$120.00
Uluru-Mala Walk Tour 乌鲁鲁马拉文化徒步之旅
从度假村出发,乘车前往乌鲁鲁国家公园, 抵达马拉步道停车场后,开始马拉徒步之旅。
您将沿着乌鲁鲁岩石脚下阿南古人神圣的遗迹, 探寻梦幻时期阿南古人的祖先马拉人举行宗教仪式、学习和生活的地方——陡峭的悬崖、深邃的峡谷和宁静的水潭, 在蓝天白云和阳光的照耀下, 峡谷如同燃烧的石壁, 甚为壮观。若有幸遇到下雨天, 堪久峡谷Kantju Gorge还会形成壮观的岩石瀑布。整个徒步单程1公里,往返2公里。之后返回度假村。
备注:National Park Pass-Please bring your National Park Pass before boarding our bus. The Parkpass can be purchased via https://book.parksaustralia.gov.au/passes/uluru/ 我们价格不包含国家公园门票,请在上车前买好门票, 可以点击国家公园网站 https://book.parksaustralia.gov.au/passes/uluru/ 购买, 门票是三日有效的。
Welcome to Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park. Sit back and relax as you travel into the amazing National Park while your Driver Guide shares insights into the natural and cultural history of this fascinating region.
To start the Mala Walk, you'll see some of the sacred sites where Aboriginal communities live and prepare for ceremony. Some believe that as you walk through this area, you'll be surrounded by the spirit of the Mala Tjukurpa - the hare-wallaby people.
**This is the Mandarin speaking tour, if you cannot speak Mandarin, we have English Audio Guide at extra cost of $49 per person per day.
- people Group Size: From 2 Up To 30
From AU$195.00
Uluru Sunrise and Base Tour 乌鲁鲁日出和岩石环游
行程介绍 乌鲁鲁日出
日出前乘车跟随导游前往乌鲁鲁日出观景区(Talinguru Nyakunitjaku)欣赏乌鲁鲁日出。在用完我们为您精心准备的热茶、咖啡和精美小食后,走上日出观景平台,见证太阳的第一缕光芒照射在乌鲁鲁巨岩上颜色变换的奇景(天气条件限制)。 乌鲁鲁文化徒步
待太阳完全升起后,导游将带领大家开始乌鲁鲁的文化徒步之旅。沿着Kuniya小路,您可以欣赏到原住民的岩画,看到原住民赖以生存、有千年历史的Mutitjulu水潭,了解当地的特色植物,听到原住民的传统故事等等。 乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔文化中心
备注:National Park Pass-Please bring your National Park Pass before boarding our bus. The Parkpass can be purchased via https://book.parksaustralia.gov.au/passes/uluru/ 我们价格不包含国家公园门票,请在上车前买好门票, 可以点击国家公园网站 https://book.parksaustralia.gov.au/passes/uluru/ 购买, 门票是三日有效的。
Travel to the sunrise viewing area, Talinguru Nyakunytjaku, while your guide shares the history of the sacred sites along the way that form the foundation of Anangu life and culture.
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and watch the first sunlight of the day creep across the desert planes. You'll be captivated by the view from the dunes as the morning sun rises and slowly changes the colour of Uluru.
Touring around the base of Uluru, including a guided walk into Mutitjulu Waterhole.
View Aboriginal rock paintings and learn about the flora, fauna and Aboriginal history from your Driver Guide. Continue around the base of Uluru by coach and see various sacred areas.
Visit the Uluru - Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre where there is time to learn about Tjukurpa (Aboriginal law) or purchase some locally made Aboriginal art. Return to Ayers Rock Resort for breakfast or free activities.
**This is the Mandarin speaking tour, if you cannot speak Mandarin, we have English Audio Guide at extra cost of $49 per person per day.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 30
From AU$210.00
Sunrise & Valley of the Winds Walk Tour 日出风之谷徒步之旅
卡塔丘塔日出 从酒店出发,乘车跟随导游前往乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔国家公园,抵达观景台欣赏卡塔丘塔日出, 在享用我们为您精心准备的热茶、咖啡和精美小食后,走上观景台远眺卡塔丘塔全景,日出的光芒照射在36个圆顶组成的岩石群,绚丽夺目。
风之谷徒步 之后走进卡塔丘塔,徒步风之谷。卡塔丘塔(Kata Tjuta)是当地原住民阿南古人(Anangu)文化中最为神圣的巨石阵,在形成初期发生断裂,经过数亿年风化,裂缝形成多个峡谷,其中风之谷属最著名的徒步线路,全程7.4KM,徒步约3-3.5小时。在卡塔丘塔巨石阵内,沿着神秘的小道进入峡谷深处,沿途欣赏红色的悬崖绝壁,湛蓝的天空,奇异的植物,行走在风之谷,您仿佛进入了另一个世界。途经第一道观景台Karu(往返2.2公里,1小时),您可根据自身体力折返到车上休息或继续跟随导游徒步到第二道观景台Karingana(往返5.4公里,2.5小时), 途中导游会为您讲解卡塔丘塔的地质成因,历史以及妙趣横生的原住民阿南古男人的故事,之后继续穿行在卡塔丘塔的山谷中,沿着环形步道返回停车场(往返7.4公里,3-3.5小时)结束后返回度假村。
备注:National Park Pass-Please bring your National Park Pass before boarding our bus. The Parkpass can be purchased via https://book.parksaustralia.gov.au/passes/uluru/ 我们价格不包含国家公园门票,请在上车前买好门票, 可以点击国家公园网站 https://book.parksaustralia.gov.au/passes/uluru/ 购买, 门票是三日有效的。
咨询邮箱: booking@atrip.com.au
The tour starts at the sunrise viewing area at Kata Tjuta. Enjoy tea and coffee with biscuits as you take in the amazing sight of an outback surise at Kata Tjuta. Watch the domes change color in the fading light as the sun rise behind the horizon.
Valley of the Winds is a famous trekking route. It is about 8 km long for about 3-4 hours walk. Travelling through the sacred domes of Anangu People, inspired by the surprising red cliffs, blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of exotic plants, rocks and hopping Kangaroo luckily as if you have entered another world, so mysterious and exciting.
**This is the Mandarin speaking tour, if you cannot speak Mandarin, we have English Audio Guide at extra cost of $39 per person per day.
- people Group Size: From 2 Up To 30
From AU$335.00
Kings Canyon Day Tour 帝王谷一日游
清晨从艾尔斯岩度假村出发,前往帝王谷,途中在帝王小溪休息站(Kings Creek Station)停留,您可以自费购买热饮或者早餐,为攀登帝王谷做好准备。 瓦塔卡国家公园
随后抵达帝王谷所在的瓦塔卡国家公园(Watarrka National Park),听从导游的安排和安全须知的讲解,开始帝王谷山顶徒步探索之旅。 帝王谷山脊徒步/河床徒步
沿着山脊,您可以欣赏到陡峭的岩石、幽深的峡谷、盘旋的云梯,下行到有沙漠绿洲之称的伊甸花园,然后从峡谷的对岸返回停车场。全程耗时3.5到4小时。(需要穿舒适轻便的登山鞋或旅游鞋,建议“三高”和身体不适的人士慎重考虑)。 或者您也可以选择轻松惬意的河床徒步行程,漫步探索郁郁葱葱的峡谷河床(往返约1小时)。 途径康纳尔山
Drive through sandhill country towards Kings Canyon, stopping for a break at Kings Creek Station along the way.
Continue on to Watarrka National Park where you can make the rocky climb with your guide to the rim of Kings Canyon and be rewarded with marvellous views of sheer cliffs, broken cracks, lost city, ocean bed ripples, Eden of Garden, The climb may take up to 3.5 hours and is for those with a good level of fitness.
Alternatively, you may wish to explore the boulder-strewn canyon floor, an easier walk. This is more suitable for seniors, or people with walking difficulties, heart disease, high blood pressure or any other medical conditions.
After lunch at Kings Creek Station (own expense), drive back to Ayers Rock with a stopover at the Outlook for Mt Conner and Amadeus Salt Lake. At the end of the tour, you will be dropped back at your accommodation in Ayers Rock Resort.
**This is the Mandarin speaking tour, if you cannot speak Mandarin, we have English Audio Guide at extra cost of $49 per person per day.
- people Group Size: From 2 Up To 20
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directions Location
- Travel Information Centre
- Ayers Rock Resort
- 0872
- Yulara
- NT
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
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Venue Ref: 1019414-254