Tours Minlaton

Kids Activity Guide » Children Tours venues Near Minlaton South Australia » Tours Minlaton

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  • Packages start from AU$30.00

AU$ Prices

From AU$30.00

Wadna (Boomerang) Throwing Experience - Nhindu Wadna

Experience the invigorating art of boomerang throwing! Unleash your inner adventurer as you embark on a fun-filled journey with our Nharangga instructors to learn the tips and tricks of successful throwing. Feel the rush of anticipation as you release the boomerang, watching it soar through the air and return to you in a combination of fun, education, and a touch of magic!


  • people Group Size: From 2 Up To 4

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From AU$65.00

Happy Hour Yarning Circle - Ngadlu Bammadja Nhinni Wandidja

We’ll join you for an intriguing afternoon filled with spellbinding ancient culture, celebrating the many ancient Aboriginal knowledges and sciences accumulated over tens of thousands of years. Whether by the beach, around a crackling campfire, or under the awning of your own caravan with friends old or new, our Happy Hour Experience offers the opportunity to engage on Country with our Nharangga guide and yarn about fascinating stories begun many millennia ago. With no need to drive, you can relax at your location and engage over a bush-food-inspired shared platter with traditional ingredients used in a contemporary style. It’s a perfect pre-dinner cultural immersion!


  • people Group Size: From 2 Up To 12

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From AU$155.00

Accessible Tour & Bush Foods Lunch - Dhigadja Ngargu Wanggadja

Embark on an inclusive and enriching tour tailored to provide an accessible experience. Join us for an unforgettable afternoon by the warm glow of a crackling campfire at an ancient Nharangga bildagu (camp) that for millennia was a vibrant seasonal community. Immerse yourself in rich cultural heritage as you experience a traditional Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. Indulge in a hearty, hot bush foods lunch followed by a selection of sweet treats using traditional ingredients in a contemporary manner. Discover the profound importance of this remarkable location, delving into ancient land management practices and the ultimate in urban planning. Hear about ancient sciences and marvel at the technological prowess of Aboriginal Ancestors . Come and experience a truly immersive journey that celebrates the enormity of Nharangga knowledges, skill and expertise.


  • people Group Size: From 2 Up To 10

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directions Location


  • 5575
  • Minlaton
  • South Australia

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Also at this location

Venue Ref: 1020032-250
