Tours Sevilla
Kids Activity Guide » Children Tours venues Near Sevilla Sevilla » Tours Sevilla
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- Packages start from €31.00
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From €31.00
La Catedral de Sevilla, erigida en el siglo XV sobre los cimientos de una mezquita del siglo XII, es una de las iglesias más grandes e impresionantes del mundo. En este recorrido guiado de una hora y media, te maravillarás con su espectacular retablo dorado y su extensa colección de arte.
La pieza central del complejo de la Catedral es el renombrado campanario de la Giralda. Esta torre, que se eleva hasta los 98 metros, fue originalmente construida como un minarete hacia finales del siglo XII. Descubre los orígenes del complejo como mezquita árabe y observa más evidencias de su pasado en el Patio de las Abluciones.
Explora la colección de valiosas obras de arte que abarcan varios siglos y que adornan las 44 capillas de la Catedral, así como la parte central de la nave.
Al concluir el recorrido, despídete de tu guía y asciende a la cima de la Giralda para disfrutar de unas vistas magníficas de la ciudad.
Entrada Catedral de Sevilla Guía oficial acreditado Sistema de audio individual
La duración de la visita es, aproximadamente, 1.5 horas
Grupos Los grupos reducidos son de 25 personas aproximadamente más el guía. La visita se realizará en un único idioma, el seleccionado al realizar la compra y no será posible modificar esto en ningún caso. Por razones logísticas, de disponibilidad u otras circunstancias, el horario podría variar, notificándole con antelación esta circunstancia. Si en algún caso esto se diera, el cliente podrá aceptar o cancelar y que le sea reembolsado el 100% de la cuantía, quedando anulado este contrato. Si se acepta, se aceptarán de nuevo las condiciones iniciales de contratación.
Notas importantes Presentación en el punto de encuentro 15 min. antes del comienzo del tour El tour no está adaptado totalmente para personas con restricciones de movilidad, por lo que puede que no sean recorridos especialmente adecuados para personas con problemas de movilidad y nosotros no lo aconsejamos, en algunos casos.
Punto de encuentro Google Maps: Pl. Virgen de los Reyes, 4, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Sevilla, Spain El punto de encuentro está enfrente del Palacio del Arzobispo, cerca del pie de la Giralda, en la Plaza de la Virgen. Nuestro personal tendrá una elemento para que los puedas reconocer
Políticas de cancelación
Una vez estén las entradas emitidas, no admiten devolución, ni ser canceladas, modificadas o reprogramadas.
Reembolso del 100% o reprogramación gratuita si la cancelación se realiza hasta 30 antes del tour Sin reembolso ni reprogramación si se cancela con 30 días o menos antes del tour y hasta la hora de comienzo de la visita Es no reembolsable el no presentarse a la visita, llegar tarde o no llevar el pasaporte o DNI original con el que se realizó la reserva Se podrá hacer cancelaciones o modificaciones en caso de alerta sanitaria que afecten al cierre del monumento
No hay situaciones excepcionales a aplicar en las condiciones de cancelación que modifiquen los criterios de cancelación y reembolso indicados en estos puntos.
Para solicitar la cancelación total o parcial conforme a estas políticas de cancelación deberá enviar un email a y se procederá a cancelar y reembolsar conforme a la fecha de recepción de dicho mail, como fecha de referencia.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 30
From €31.00
Seville Cathedral, built in the 15th century on the site of a 12th century mosque, is one of the largest and most impressive churches in the world. On this 1 and a half hour guided tour, you will admire its spectacular golden altarpiece and the vast collection of art.
The most important piece of the complex of the cathedral of Seville is the famous bell tower of the Giralda. The tower, which reaches a height of 98 meters, was built as a minaret at the end of the 12th century. Discover the origins of the complex as an Arab mosque and see more evidences of this in the Ablution Courtyard.
Explore the collection of important works of art representing several centuries and decorate the 44 chapels of the Cathedral and the central part of the nave.
At the end of the tour, say goodbye to the guide and climb to the top of the Giralda to soak up the magnificent views of the city.
Included Sevilla Cathedral ticket Accredited official guide Individual audio system
Duration The duration of the visit is approximately 1.5 hours
Groups The small groups are about 30 people plus the guide. The visit will be in a single language, the one selected at the time of purchase and it will not be possible to modify this in any case. For logistical reasons, availability or other circumstances, the schedule may vary, notifying you in advance of this circumstance. If in any case this happens, the customer may accept or cancel and get the total amount refund, cancelling this contract. If accepted, the initial terms of engagement will be accepted again.
Important notes It is mandatory to provide first name, surname and ID / Passport at the time of booking. You can also send your details to On the day of the visit you must bring the original identity card you provided at the time of booking Presentation at the meeting point 15 min. before the start of the tour The tour is not fully adapted for people with mobility restrictions, so they may not be especially suitable for people with mobility problems and we do not advise it in some cases.
Meeting point Google Maps: Pl. Virgen de los Reyes, 4, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Seville, Spain The meeting point is in front of the Archbishop's Palace, near the foot of the Giralda, in the Plaza de la Virgen. Our staff will have a little red flag so you can recognize them.
Cancellation policies
Based on the official regulations published by the Patronato of Real Alcázar de Sevilla, in its last revision, the tickets issued do not admit return, nor be cancelled, modified or rescheduled.
As a consequence of these regulations, the cancellation policies, without exceptions of any kind, are:
1. If the cancellation is made between the booking day and up to 4 days before the tour, the costs will be 19 € per adult
2. No refund if cancelled 4 days or less before the tour and until the start time of the visit
3. It is non-refundable not to show up, arrive late or not to bring the passport or original ID with which the reservation was made
4. Cancellations or modifications may be made in case of a health alert affecting the closure of the monument
There are no exceptional situations to apply in the cancellation conditions that modify the cancellation and refund criteria indicated in these points.
To request total or partial cancellation under these cancellation policies you must send an email to and will proceed to cancel and refund according to the date of receiption , as a reference date.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 30
From €35.90
Preferred entrance to discover the Alcazar of Seville, icon of the Andalusian city. We suggest you to lose yourself in the history and secrets of this monument by the hand of one of our official guides.
Real Alcazar de Sevilla Ticket Accredited official guide Individual audio system
The duration of the visit is approximately 1.5 hours
The small groups are about 30 people plus the guide. The visit will be in a single language, the one selected at the time of purchase and it will not be possible to modify this in any case. For logistical reasons, availability or other circumstances, the schedule may vary, notifying you in advance of this circumstance. If in any case this happens, the customer may accept or cancel and get the total amount refund, cancelling this contract. If accepted, the initial terms of engagement will be accepted again.
Important notes
It is mandatory to provide first name, surname and ID / Passport at the time of booking. You can also send your details to On the day of the visit you must bring the original identity card you provided at the time of booking Presentation at the meeting point 15 min. before the start of the tour The tour is not fully adapted for people with mobility restrictions, so they may not be especially suitable for people with mobility problems and we do not advise it in some cases.
Meeting point
Google Maps: Pl. Virgen de los Reyes, 4, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Seville, Spain The meeting point is in front of the Archbishop's Palace, near the foot of the Giralda, in the Plaza de la Virgen. Our staff will have a little red flag so you can recognize them.
Cancellation policies
Based on the official regulations published by the Patronato of Real Alcázar de Sevilla, in its last revision, the tickets issued do not admit return, nor be cancelled, modified or rescheduled.
As a consequence of these regulations, the cancellation policies, without exceptions of any kind, are:
1. If the cancellation is made between the booking day and up to 4 days before the tour, the costs will be 19 € per adult
2. No refund if cancelled 4 days or less before the tour and until the start time of the visit
3. It is non-refundable not to show up, arrive late or not to bring the passport or original ID with which the reservation was made
4. Cancellations or modifications may be made in case of a health alert affecting the closure of the monument
There are no exceptional situations to apply in the cancellation conditions that modify the cancellation and refund criteria indicated in these points.
To request total or partial cancellation under these cancellation policies you must send an email to and will proceed to cancel and refund according to the date of receiption , as a reference date.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 30
From €54.00
We are going to know the history of the Reales Alcázares of Seville in depth. This monument holds many stories and details that would be very difficult to know without a local guide. We suggest that you come and explore history from the Almohads to the current Kings and be surprised by the oldest active Royal Palace in Europe. When we finish the tour you can stay and relax in its incredible gardens.
Then we will visit the Cathedral of Seville, built in the 15th century on a 12th century mosque, it is one of the largest and most impressive churches in the world. On this 1.5-hour guided tour, you'll admire its spectacular golden altarpiece and vast art collection.
The most important piece of the Seville cathedral complex is the famous Giralda bell tower. The tower, which reaches a height of 98 meters, was built as a minaret at the end of the 12th century. Discover the complex's origins as an Arab mosque and see further evidence of this in the Court of Ablutions.
Explore the collection of important works of art representing several centuries and decorating the Cathedral's 44 chapels and the central part of the nave.
At the end of the tour, say goodbye to your guide and climb to the top of the Giralda to soak up the magnificent views of the city.
Royal Alcazar of Seville Entrance Seville Cathedral Entrance Official accredited guide Individual audio system Duration
The duration of the visit is approximately 3 hours Groups
Small groups are approximately 25 people plus the guide. The visit will be carried out in a single language, the one selected when making the purchase and it will not be possible to modify this in any case. For logistical reasons, availability or other circumstances, the schedule could vary, notifying you in advance of this circumstance. If in any case this occurs, the client may accept or cancel and have 100% of the amount refunded, thus canceling this contract. If accepted, the initial contract conditions will be accepted again. Important notes
It is essential to provide your name, surname and ID/Passport at the time of making the reservation. You can also send your data to the email On the day of the visit you must bring the original identification document that you provided at the time of making the reservation Presentation at the meeting point 15 min. before the start of the tour The tour is not fully adapted for people with mobility restrictions, so they may not be particularly suitable tours for people with mobility problems and we do not advise it, in some cases. Meeting point
Google Maps: Pl. Virgen de los Reyes, 4, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Seville, Spain The meeting point is in front of the Archbishop's Palace, near the foot of the Giralda, in the Plaza de la Virgen. Our staff will have a little red flag so you can recognize them. Cancellation policies
Based on the official regulations published by the Board of Trustees of the Real Alcázar of Seville and Cathedral of Santa María de la Sede of Seville, in its latest revision, the tickets issued cannot be returned, nor can they be cancelled, modified or rescheduled.
As a consequence of this regulation, the cancellation policies to take into account, without exceptions of any kind, are: 100% refund or free rescheduling if cancellation is made up to 30 days before the tour No refund or rescheduling if canceled 30 days or less before tour and up to tour start time Failure to show up for the visit, arriving late or not carrying the original passport or ID with which the reservation was made is non-refundable. Cancellations or modifications may be made in the event of a health alert that affects the closure of the monument.
There are no exceptional situations to apply in the cancellation conditions that modify the cancellation and refund criteria indicated in these points.
To request total or partial cancellation in accordance with these cancellation policies, you must send an email to info@nhue.e s and the cancellation and refund will be made according to the date of receipt of said email, as the reference date.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 30
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directions Location
- 4
- Casco Antiguo
- 41004
- Sevilla
- Sevilla
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Also at this location
Venue Ref: 1020544-250