Walking Tours Cooya Beach

Kids Activity Guide » Children Walking Tours venues Near Cooya Beach Queensland » Walking Tours Cooya Beach

informationvenue Details

  • Packages start from AU$180.00

AU$ Prices

From AU$180.00

Walkabout Cultural Adventures - Half Day Tour - Afternoon

If you feel it’s time to get native, join one of the Kubirri Warra brothers on their beach, mudflat and mangrove walk! Brothers, Linc and Brandon Walker follow the traditions of their ancestors by educating visitors about their traditional country on the far north east coast of Australia. This unique coastal place has three diverse ecosystems – beach, mangroves and coastal reef – that are connected to each other by the ever-changing mudflats and tidal lagoons. Today, the brothers can teach you how to throw a spear, hunt whilst stalking and observing wildlife, and how to find plants used for food and medicine. They’ll also introduce you to some of their family members and share some of their extensive knowledge of this special area and how they care for their country.


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10

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From AU$180.00

Walkabout Cultural Adventures - Half Day Tour - Afternoon

If you feel it’s time to get native, join one of the Kubirri Warra brothers on their beach, mudflat and mangrove walk! Brothers, Linc and Brandon Walker follow the traditions of their ancestors by educating visitors about their traditional country on the far north east coast of Australia. This unique coastal place has three diverse ecosystems – beach, mangroves and coastal reef – that are connected to each other by the ever-changing mudflats and tidal lagoons. Today, the brothers can teach you how to throw a spear, hunt whilst stalking and observing wildlife, and how to find plants used for food and medicine. They’ll also introduce you to some of their family members and share some of their extensive knowledge of this special area and how they care for their country.


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10

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directions Location


  • off the Captain Cook Highway)
  • 4873
  • Cooya Beach
  • QLD

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1021436-254
