Clay Pigeon Shooting Cecil Park
Kids Activity Guide » Children Clay Pigeon Shooting ranges Near Cecil Park New South Wales » Clay Pigeon Shooting Cecil Park
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- Packages start from AU$189.00
- Beginners welcome
- people All equipment is included
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From AU$189.00
Try Shooting Session
These public sessions are held at least once a month, usually Sundays and sometimes Saturdays. These are non-exclusive group sessions and are perfect for individuals, couples, and small groups who want to give clay target shooting a try.
Who can try shooting?
Anyone over the age of 12 (in fact 12 to 89 years so far!) Beginners to advanced, all fitness levels Licenced or unlicenced - No experience necessary.
What's included?
Shooting real 12 gauge shotguns, using live ammunition at moving clay targets whilst being instructed by Olympic Champion Suzy Balogh and/or her staff. Usually between 35-50 targets are shot at over the 1.5 hour session per person. Minimum group size is 10 people for the session to go ahead and a maximum of 16 people in each session. Everything you need is supplied - ammunition, targets, use of firearms, hearing and eye protection, shooting jackets, safety frames, range fees, insurance for shooters and spectators, temporary firearms licensing and temporary Shooting Club membership.
1 on 1 tuition when shooting – we will stand by you and guide you through each shot. Each participant will receive a signed, boxed clay target. We endeavour to take photos of each participant shooting and then upload them to Google Photos and send out the link for your free downloading.
What's required of you?
P hoto ID (18+) - Participants must provide valid, government issue photo ID such as a Passport, Australian Driver's Licence/Photo ID Card. Under 18's Must Be Accompanied by a Parent or Guardian who has Photo ID (18+) AND government issued ID for the Under 18, such as a Birth Certificate and/or Medicare Card, which links the junior to the parent or guardian. Complete & Sign (in front of Hitting Targets staff) the NSW Police P650 Declaration including being able to answer "NO" to the following questions:
Have you in NSW or elsewhere;
a) Been
refused or prohibited from holding a firearms licence or permit or had a
firearms licence or permit suspended, cancelled or revoked?
b) Been the
subject of a Firearms Prohibition Order?
c) Within the
last 10 years been convicted of an offence involving firearms, weapons,
prohibited drugs, robbery, violence, terrorism or an offence of a sexual
d) Within the
last 10 years been the subject of a Family Law or Final Domestic Violence Order
or a Final Apprehended Violence Order (other than an order that was revoked)?
e) Ever
attempted suicide or self-harm?
f) In the past
12 months been treated or referred for treatment for alcoholism, drug
dependence or a mental illness within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 2007
or as a mentally disordered person within the meaning of that Act?
g) Currently
subject to a Good Behaviour Bond?
Including a community correction order or a conditional release order if it
was imposed in NSW
h) Currently
subject to an Interim Apprehended Violence Order?
Interim apprehended violence order means an interim court order or a
provisional order.
i) Currently suffering from any
mental illness or other disorder that may prevent you from using a firearm
Book in Advance - Bookings are essential Speak English or have an interpreter - Safety is paramount, and you must be able to understand our safety briefing and instructions. The willingness to have fun
What does a typical "Try Shooting" group session look like?
9:30 Sign in to Range (show photo ID). Complete the Police Declaration saying you have been well behaved for the past 10 years and have been/are mentally stable.
10:00 SAFETY BRIEF, basic shotgun and range safety, gun selection/fitting & shotgun handling and firing techniques
10:10 Practical shooting instruction and coaching – warm up practice… until the participants get the general hang of it.
10:20 Mini Competition
11:00 “Quick Draw DUEL” – who is the fastest gun?
11:25 PHOTOS & PRIZE ceremony,
11:30 Finish
*Above times may vary.
and conditions
Information including unlicensed participants legislation
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 16
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directions Location
- Range Road
- 2178
- Cecil Park
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Venue Ref: 1021548-5