Tours Taranna
Kids Activity Guide » Children Tours venues Near Taranna Tasmania » Tours Taranna
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- Packages start from AU$55.00
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From AU$55.00
Tasmanian Devil Unzoo
At our Unzoo, you’ll have face-to-face encounters with animals found nowhere else on earth, discover rare and beautiful Tasmanian plants in the Tasmanian Native Botanic Garden, see Tasmanian artworks in our galleries and have the chance to help save endangered Tasmanian devils.
Tasmanian Devil Unzoo is the world’s first intentional Unzoo—a revolutionary project to create a model wildlife and nature experience of the future. During your time with us, you’ll be inspired, intrigued, challenged and entertained. Sometimes, you might even find us a little outrageous. Our hope is that your visit to the Unzoo will challenge you to think about the natural world and your place in it, in a completely new way.
Opening hours are between 10am and 5pm, we recommend allowing 1.5-2 hrs for your visit. Please see our list of presentations on our website to plan your visit accordingly.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10
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- 7180
- Taranna
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Venue Ref: 1021804-250