Tours Sandy Bay
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Tasmania|Maria Island
Maria Island Day Tour & Hike:
The story of Maria Island is dominated by the ocean from the rise and fall of the sea that created the island and left a legacy of creatures fossilized in its cliffs, to the history of its human occupation. Start your explorations at Darlington, the most intact example of a convict probation station in Australia, and a World Heritage Australian Convict Site. You can visit convict buildings dating back to 1824 and ruins that reveal key features of the convict probation system. Rediscover the fascinating history through interpretive displays at the Coffee Palace Museum and Commissariat Store. You can even stay overnight in the old Penitentiary buildings or camp in the nearby campground.
There are plenty of rewarding short walks, day walks, and even overnight walks. No matter where you are on the island, you're going to see wildlife, including wombats, devils, kangaroos, and Cape Barren geese.
Cycling is another great way to explore, or explore further afield, on the island, as there's no vehicle access. Bring your bike on the ferry (fees charged) or hire one on the island (limited availability).
Maria Island Marine Reserve protects a range of beautiful marine life and is home to a diverse range of plant, invertebrate, and fish communities, making it a fabulous place for swimming, snorkeling, or rambling among the rockpools. What is Included?
• National Park entrance fee
• Return ferry crossing fee
• Professional guides
• Small, friendly groups
• Select, central Hobart Hotel pick up and drop off
What to Expect?
What to Bring:
• Big Water Bottle
• Comfy Shoes
• Weather Proof Jacket
• Sun Screen/Sunglasses
• Sense of Adventure
Noted: Walking and cycling are the only ways to get on car-free Maria Island, prepare for a short walk or a great hike into the magnificent wildlife park.
瑪麗亞島(Maria Island)位於塔斯馬尼亞州東南方向的塔斯曼海(Tasman Sea)上,全島上面積約115.5平方公里,整個瑪麗亞島屬於瑪麗亞島國家公園(Maria Island National Park),島上沒有常住人口。這是一個多山的小島,擁有豐富的自然美景和歷史文化,島上有澳洲土著生活的遺跡和囚犯流放的歷史,澳洲特有的野生動物 — 塔斯馬尼亞袋熊,袋鼠以及灰雁更是隨處可見。島上的彩繪峭壁(Painted Cliff)和化石峭壁(Fossil Cliff)是兩條熱門徒步路線,前者由於氧化鐵而使得岩石出現各種不同的圖案和顏色,而後者則在峭壁上可以看到2.6億萬年前海底生物形成的化石。瑪麗亞島是由Abel Tasman在1642年給予了這個地名,為紀念Maria Van Dieman(荷蘭官員的內人)。島上野生動物的風光和原始自然的樣貌,促使了塔斯馬尼亞政府在1971年把這裡訂定為國家公園。
●畢曉普與克拉克山(Bishop and Clerk) **登山健走行程-全天健行(另外安排)
徒步行走和騎自行車(提前預約) 是瑪麗亞島觀光的唯一方式,如需要額外協助請另行告知。
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Venue Ref: 1022650-250