Star Gazing Emu Plains

Kids Activity Guide » Children Star Gazing venues Near Emu New South Wales » Star Gazing Emu Plains

informationvenue Details

  • Packages start from AU$60.00

AU$ Prices

From AU$60.00

Astronomy Observing Session

One ticket to attend an astronomy session hosted by Western Sydney Stargazing.
Tours are limited to 20 people at a maximum. Western Sydney Stargazing offers small group tours of the night sky that are open to individuals, families, and small groups with no prior knowledge of astronomy – just a healthy interest in space. Tours are limited to 20 people at a maximum. During one of our tours, participants will be led by an experienced guide through an exploration of the night sky using a state-of-the-art telescope. Participants will be able to see (depending upon the time of year) such things as the craters of the moon, Jupiter and its moons, Saturn and its rings, binary stars, clusters of stars, and nebulae. The guide will lead the group through each of the targets using both the telescope and some ‘naked eye’ observing, provide details of what is being observed, and give insights into many more of the wondrous things that can be seen in the night sky.


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10

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directions Location


  • 2750
  • Emu Plains
  • NSW

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1022862-263
