Wine & Vineyard Melbourne

Kids Activity Guide » Children Wine & Vineyard venues Near Melbourne Victoria » Wine & Vineyard Melbourne

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  • Packages start from AU$290.00

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From AU$290.00

Yarra Valley Wine Day Tour

A relaxing day out with an emphasis on a wide range of wine accompanied by superb food and stunning scenery.
De Bortoli (producers of Noble One, Australia's most awarded wine)
Yering Station Winebar, Restaurant & Produce Store

Payten & Jones
Coldstream Hills

De Bortoli Winery at Dixons Creek. Start the day with superbly flavoured cheeses that compliment the sparkling, table and dessert wines.

Yering Station Winery at Yering.Taste selected estate and reserve wines in the original winery (circa 1859) before adjourning for main course lunch in their stunning Wine Bar Restaurant.
Payten & Jones Winery in Healesville. Taste their small batch, approachable wines that include familiar chardonnay and pinot noir as well as Italian and Spanish varietals.
Coldstream Hills Winery at Coldstream. Taste their beautifully crafted sparkling, chardonnay and pinot noir wines.
Medhurst Winery at Gruyere. Located in the dress circle of the Yarra Valley, taste their superby produced boutique wines.
Please note, on days when Coldstream Hills and Medhurst are closed, visits would instead be made to Oakridge, Dominique Portet or Punt Road Vineyards.


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 10

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  • Melbourne
  • VIC

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Venue Ref: 1026260-110
