Museum Archerfield

Kids Activity Guide » Children Museum venues Near Brisbane Queensland » Museum Archerfield

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  • Packages start from AU$4480.00

AU$ Prices

From AU$4,480.00

Birdsville Race 2019: 30th Aug - 1st Sep

All inclusive Birdsville Races trip flys from Archerfield Airport in Brisbane.
Included: Return flight from Archerfield Airport All food, dri, ks and accommodation included (Excluding lunch, dinner and drinks on Saturday @ the Birdsville Races) All entry fees included (QANTAS Museum, Stockman's Hall of Fame, Thomson's River Cruise, Brophy's Boxing and Birdsville Races A Sky Dance Experience The adventure begins 7am at the Sky Dance headquarters in Brisbane, meeting at the Archerfield Jet Base at Archerfield Airport. We provide free parking and a light breakfast and coffee before boarding our Piper Chieftain and blasting off out west.

With the seasonally good weather, this time of year the flying is absolutely spectacular! Watch the border ranges and coastal greenery give way to the colours of the outback. The first flight is one and a half hours long landing at Roma Queensland for a couple snacks and a quick pit stop, then flying another one and a half hours to Longreach Queensland. In Longreach, we visit the famous QANTAS Museum and Stockman's Hall of Fame. We have a couple of fun local surprises included - finishing the day with a sunset cruise on the Thomson River and top outback accommodation!
After breakfast the second day we depart Longreach for Birdsville, arriving 10:30am. This day is action-packed with some serious fun! After a fun day at the races, we kick back at the Birdsville pub for an early dinner, and then heading to watch Brophy's Boxing (A MUST DO)!
After a night of fun, we fly a starlight flight to Windorah Queensland where our select outback accomodation escapes the Birdsville races craze.
The third day is a late start with a big breakfast and a short tour of Windorah. The flight back to Archerfield goes via Roma and we will arrive back in Brisbane at 3:30pm.
There are only 8 available spaces on this custom trip. Call us to find out more or book now to secure your attendance.

Important Information:
Arrive @ 7am for a 7:30 departure on Friday 30th August 2019
Return @ 3:30pm on Sunday 1st September 2019
Call 1300 854 183 for any further trip info!


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 12

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directions Location


  • 4108
  • Brisbane
  • Archerfield
  • QLD

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1010346-129
