Dolphin Swimming Portimão

Kids Activity Guide » Children Dolphin Swimming venues Near Lagos » Dolphin Swimming Portimão

informationvenue Details

  • Packages start from €40.00


From €40.00

Portimão Dolphin Watching Tour | 1,5 Hour

Leaving from Portimão Marina, this 1,5-Hour Dolphin watching cruise brings you to a close encounter with some of the most intelligent and gentle sea creatures on earth.
Dolphins, Orcas, Whales and other cetaceans, are without a doubt some of the most fascinating animals that we can meet in the wild.
We invite you to enjoy an unforgettable boat tour in the company of these docile and playful mammals. Learn from marine experts on how they socialize, interact and communicate as they swim on your bow or surf the wake of your speed boat.
Witness their fantastic leaps out of the water and their amazing acrobatics as they chase their prey and dare you to take a photo.
Occasionally you can also marvel at the sighting of Orcas, the biggest apex predator on earth, that chases in these waters their favorite snack of all, the Blue Fin Tuna.
Not suitable for people with back problems. Children only from 5 years old.

Com partida de Portimão, este passeio de 1.5 horas leva-o a conhecer de perto alguns dos mais fantásticos e gentis animais do nosso oceano.
Golfinhos, Orcas, Baleias e outros cetáceos, são sem dúvida, dos mais fascinantes animais marinhos que podemos conhecer no seu estado selvagem.
Convidamo-lo a usufruir de um passeio inesquecível na companhia destes incríveis animais. Aprenda com a ajuda da nossa Bióloga Marinha sobre os hábitos e comportamentos destes magníficos mamíferos e observe-os enquanto socializam, brincam e se alimentam perto do seu barco.
Testemunhe ainda as acrobacias e a agilidade com capturam as suas presas e ao mesmo tempo o desafiam para uma fotografia.
Ocasionalmente também pode observar outros deslumbrantes cetáceos como o maior predador do nosso planeta, a Orca, que nestas águas caça o seu petisco favorito de todos, o atum-rabilho.
Não aconselhável para pessoas com problemas de lombares. Crianças apenas a partir dos 5 anos de idade.
What to Bring / O que trazer

A jumper or a wind jacket, sunblock or sunscreen, hat or cap.
Uma camisola ou um casaco corta-vento, creme protetor, chapéu e claro, boa disposição.
Children and Adults / Crianças e Adultos Children from 5 to 12 / Crianças 5 a 12
Adults 13+ / Adultos 13+


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 18

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From €49.00

Dolphin Watching Half Day Cruise

Build with lots of time to spare, this cruise is a unique combination
of Dolphin Watching, spectacular views, water activities and a
complementary healthy snack.

Experience just how exciting is that first encounter with dolphins in
their natural habitat as you see them socializing, frolicking or
feeding close to you.

Watch them surfing in your Catamaran’s bow as they show you how agile
and fantastic swimmers they really are. Smile as you see the small
babies, or calves, following their mums, they are super cute and the
children’s favourite.

Get to meet different dolphin species and occasionally other cetaceans as well, like Orcas or even Whales.

Learn from your informative and friendly guides about the unique and
fantastic habits of these gentle and highly intelligent sea creatures.
Be on the lookout as other different types of wildlife may appear to greet you as you cruise these rich waters.

Right after your Dolphin Watching you will have the chance to enjoy water activities as you head to a peaceful and secluded bay.

Go for a swim, sunbathe and jump on your water slide. Just have fun
with your kids and friends as you take comfort on your modern and
brand-new Power Catamaran.

Don’t forget to try your complimentary healthy breakfast snack. A
treat that will surely bring a smile to the younger crowds on board.

Relax and take time as well to admire the stunning views of this unspoiled and world-famous coastline.
Guaranteed Dolphin sightings, or you receive a free voucher for another cruise.

Infants, Children and Adults / Bebés, Crianças e Adultos
Infants from 0 to 3 / Bebés de 0 a 3
Children from 4 to 12 / Crianças 4 a 12
Adults 13+ / Adultos 13+


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 60

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directions Location


  • loja 13
  • 8600-315
  • Lagos
  • Faro

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1016972-207
