Snorkelling Portimão

Kids Activity Guide » Children Snorkelling venues Near Lagos » Snorkelling Portimão

informationvenue Details

  • Packages start from €56.00


From €59.00

Golden Coast Cruise

Beautiful half day cruise along the coastline of the Western Algarve. Experience and witness the amazing rock formations and beaches of Europe's best kept secret.

On this 4 hour cruise we will take you from Lagos to Burgau and back, passing along the world famous golden beaches of D.Ana, Camilo, the cliffs and caves of Ponta da Piedade, Canavial, Porto de Mós and the iconic black rock of Praia da Luz.

You will then stop on a secluded bay near the fishing village of Burgau where you can enjoy your complementary lunch while witnessing the stunning views of the Algarve's most famous natural park.

After your meal, relax and taste a delicious cocktail, go for a swim, use paddle boards, snorkelling gear and bounce from the water trampoline.

On the way back enjoy this beautiful weather on the sunbathing nets and keep an eye open because there are a lot of friendly dolphins in these waters.

Neste passeio costeiro de 4 horas de Lagos a Burgau/Praia dos Rebolos conheça as belas praias douradas da D.Ana, Camilo, as formações rochosas e grutas da Ponta da Piedade, Canavial, Porto de Mós, Vila da Praia da Luz e Burgau.

Saboreie a sua refeição numa baía magnífica junto à vila piscatória do Burgau e relaxe enquanto prova um refrescante cocktail, dê um mergulho, use os paddle-boards e salte no sempre divertido trampolim aquático.

De volta para Lagos, aprecie o clima maravilhoso, enquanto se banha ao sol numa das redes de bordo e tome atenção pois de vez em quando os golfinhos aparecem para uma sempre divertida visita.

What to Bring / O que trazer A jumper or a wind jacket, sunblock, swimsuit, hat or cap, Towel and good mood.

Uma camisola ou um casaco, creme protector, chapéu, toalha e claro, boa disposição.
Infants, Children and Adults / Bebés, Crianças e Adultos
Infants from 0 to 3 / Bebés de 0 a 3
Children from 4 to 12 / Crianças 4 a 12
Adults 13+ / Adultos 13+


  • people Group Size: From 1 Up To 75

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directions Location


  • loja 13
  • 8600-315
  • Lagos
  • Faro

Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.

Venue Ref: 1016972-280
