Tours Setúbal
Kids Activity Guide » Children Tours venues Near Sesimbra » Tours Setúbal
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- Packages start from €35.00
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From €35.00
Passeio de Barco pelas enseadas da Arrábida
Um passeio de barco por baías e praias selvagens, uma viagem pela história e tradições da Arrábida.
A linha de costa entre o Cabo Espichel e Sesimbra é uma reserva marinha de grande beleza natural e riqueza cultural.
Neste passeio pelo Parque Marinho Prof. Luiz Saldanha, na Arrábida, desvendamos enseadas e antigos abrigos de pescadores, paisagens naturais de cortar a respiração, grutas, escarpas grandiosas e as histórias e lendas da região.
A boat tour through coves and wild beaches, a journey through the history and traditions of Arrábida.
The coastline between Cape Espichel and Sesimbra is a marine reserve of great natural beauty and cultural wealth.
In this boat tour through the marine park Professor Luiz Saldanha, in Arrábida we discover coves and old fishermen's shelters, breathtaking natural landscapes, caves, magnificent cliffs and the stories and legends of the region.
Un tour en bateau dans les baies et les plages sauvages, un voyage à travers l'histoire et les traditions d'Arrábida.
Le littoral entre le Cabo Espichel et Sesimbra est une réserve marine de grande beauté naturelle et d'une grande richesse culturelle.
Au cours de cette balade au travers du Parc Marin Prof. Luiz Saldanha, en l'Arrábida, nous découvrons des criques et d'anciens abris de pêcheurs, des paysages naturels à couper le souffle, des grottes, des falaises grandioses et les histoires et légendes de la région.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 16
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directions Location
- Loja 6
- 2970-152
- Sesimbra
- Setúbal
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Also at this location
- Scuba Diving
- Snorkelling
- Overnight Experiences
- Boat Day Trips
- Walking Tours
- Bike Tours
- Tours
- Trail Trekking
- Boat Tours
- Abseiling
- Orienteering
- Mountain Biking
- Rock Climbing
- Golf
- Coasteering
- Caving
- Kayaking
- 4x4 Off Road Driving
- Scuba Diving
- Sailing
- 4x4 Off Road Driving
- Activity Centres
- Scuba Diving
- Kayaking
- Ice Climbing
- Caving
- Coasteering
- Golf
- Rock Climbing
- Orienteering
- Abseiling
- Canyoning
- Learn to Fly
- Trail Trekking
- Bike Tours
- Boat Day Trips
- Overnight Experiences
- Snorkelling
Venue Ref: 1014552-250